Falls Creek Ski Tour 2022 - Travel to Bright

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Melbourne to Bright - 31st July.

A leisurely start to the trip with the plan to meet John B and John M in Seymore at the pie shop for lunch. Excellent pies, pastries, sausage rolls and coffee's all round. Wednesday was a sensational day weather wise, sunny and worm for the last day of winter. We made our way to Bright, little traffic on the road. We stayed at the caravan park that we stayed in for the Dodgey bike ride.

Dinner was at the Bright brewery, a few beers each and burgers, trout and riblet for dinner. We were dinking a variety of beers including one called Blow hard which we were doing the next day as we climbed out from the bottom of the Ruined Castle run. We had the earliest night. We checked that the packs were correctly packed with the addition of approximately 7kg of food.