The Descent of Goanna

The trip into Goanna had an unexpected surprise. I had heard of this cave back in 2011 but only by name and that it was a great cave by all accounts. What no-one had really mentioned was the fat tat it had probably one of the best abseil pitches in all of the cave at Buchan - a 35 meter free hanging drop, followed by about another 20 meter drop against a wall to the cave bottom.

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Elk River 2011

After a bit of research and discussions with various cavers we planned a weekend to visit Buchan and the famous Elk River Cave system. Here is our story

Caving Trips

The following is a selection of photos that we have taken over the years as we have caved in Buchan, Yarrangobilly, Mt Eccles and other locations. JayBee used to be a keen caver but realised that it was really a pensioner sport and thus wanted no part in it. Pete, Cam and Chis have always appreciated the technical components of rigging a cave properly, above and below ground and the beauty that lies just below the surface.

Caving is a great sport and is one of the last frontiers left on this planet where you can still find caves where you are the first to tread.

Enjoy the selection of photos and videos.

Caving at Yarrangobilly

Yarrangobilly is located up int he Snowy Mountains and has some absolutely brilliant lime stone caves

Caving at Budj Bim

Mt Eccles is located about 10km West of MacArthur in Victoria - some 340km West of Melbourne. Mt Eccles was formed by a volcano that erupted about 30,000 years ago. SOme sy it is due for another eruption. Hopefully I won't be there when it happens. 

Caving at Buchan

Buchan is located on East Gippsland approximately 340km East of Melbourne. Buchan is Limestone Karst and have some spectacular caves. Many caves are vertical and are well worth the visit. For cavers there is ample accommodation at the Buchan Reserve or at Homeleigh. The public caves within the caves reserve are spectacular and well worth the visit. The camp ground in the Caves Reserve is relaxing and very pretty with many walks to be done around the park. The swimming is - what can I say - cold.

Meals are always good at the local Pub where you can get a Buchan beer. A new breakfast code had opened recently in town and the food is pretty good as well.

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Caving at Britannia Creek

There is an interesting cave at Britannia Creek which is like a boulder infill with a creek flowing through the valley. It's a great little caving system with many features and even glow worms is you look closely