Falls Creek Ski Tour 2022 - Weston's Hut Day 6

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Weston's Hut - 5th Sept

Today was a semi industrious day. Waking up at 8am and starting the day with a hot cuppa coffee, Chis found a stump to sit on in the sun watching the sun progressively light up Mt Feathertop off in the distance. It looked to be a nice day despite the weather forecast.

Sitting on my log in the snow drinking my coffee, it soon started to snow lightly. the tone of the day was set - sunshine, cloud, some light snow - repeat. Maybe the weather forecast was correct after all.

We spent the day doing jobs around the hut, cutting wood, unblocking the pipe to provide fresh running water to the hut.

We spoke of arty things and places like Mona and the types of art there. the edgey, the classic, the clever and the experimental. 

We had an easy lunch at the hut followed by an easy dinner and more 500.

Tomorrow we head off to Pretty Valley Hut - a 14km journey.