Falls Creek Ski Tour 2022 - Weston's Hut to Pretty Valley Hut

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Weston's Hut to Pretty Valley Hut - 6th Sept

An early morning for Chis - up at 7am with the billy on the boil.

We did not want to start too early as the walk out from Weston's to the start of the pole line would have been too icy - OK for Greg B and John B with their skins but not so great for John M and Chis. John M and Chis set off early. Getting to where John M and I had left our skis was easier than had been thought - this was due to Greg B going up the day before when the snow was soft and stomping foot holes into the soft snow the previous day. We basically had a ready made set of step holes to follow up. Walking past the pole line was a bit more difficult, but made easier as the sun had started to soften up the snow. Eventually we reached a point where we could put our skis on and could easily ski back up to the Fainter fire track. John M and Chis waited till Greg B and John B finally caught up with us. We decided to have our budgie bar before pushing on towards Cope saddle. The day was again another blue bird day.

We pushed on heading past Cope Saddle and towards the SEC hut. The snow was getting a little patchy but in large well covered. We stopped for lunch a couple of hundred meters from the SEC hut in a heathy patch under a couple of trees.

Along the way we chatted to a lady who had driven up from Bright to do some skate skiing - she was doing a loop out from falls and was going back via the aqueduct past Cope Hut and the Rover Chalete.

During the afternoon I was called by a recruiter urgently wanting to set up an interview either on the day or the next day. After explaining that I would check the reception at our camp for the night, the interview was setup for a time the following morning - with the client not really wanting to wait till Friday when I would be back home. I eventually cancelled the interview due to poor reception that I got at Pretty Valley Hut. 

It was an easy ski to Pretty Valley Hut from our lunch spot. Approaching the hut we found that there were a couple of other campers who were on their way back to Falls Creek. There was a couple in a great Hilleberg tent and a semi retired gent called Kerry who was out skiing by himself.

Setting up our tents we then found some water and after the others had finished cooking their meals in the hut we setup and cooked our dinner - Pasta. There was a small pot belly stove in the hut and it really heated up the hut - to hot infact.

Pasta for dinner was prepared and enjoyed. Our last dinner on the snow before heading to Bright the following day. It was not too cold overnight and a little rain/sleet meant that the snow would not freeze solid which was great.